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Why I host retreats...

July 09, 2024

Why I host retreats...

Why I host retreats:

If we want to get really technical, I host retreats because God keeps asking me to. I have seen God equip me to steward these weekends through my personal experiences with Him. I have firsthand seen how life changing a few things are and want to hold space for other women to experience these things too.

1. Peace
2. Meaningful friendship
3. Rest
4. Adventure

Experiencing true peace in my heart, that comes from God, has changed everything for me. Peace is bigger than any other emotion and can beat any circumstance. God is that good and that sovereign.

Meaningful friendship was always God’s intention for us. We need safe places of connection. To be known for who we are and loved in full. We can do this with one another when we understand our call is to be a reflection of Jesus. God guides the most incredible women to this weekend every year. That’s the most special part of these retreats. The guests. I am giddy with each ticket launch waiting to see who joins us for each group I know God hand picks. Practically speaking, we see this happen through women who share similar personal life experiences choosing the same weekend or women seeking similar understandings of who God is. Seeing the women walk through that door, and the way each unique group compliments one another, keeps me going. The guests, and seeing how God creates each guest list in such tangible ways, makes it easy to give Him the glory and say, “what’s next?!”

Rest. Finding a place of peace in my heart and being still as an extension of it is not something that comes easy to me. It’s one of my greatest daily struggles. The wrestle and my great desire to rest in a way that honors the Lord equips me to help others do the same.

Adventure. This trip is an adventure for each woman who says yes. Your version of “adventure” may be that you’ve never done something like this. Maybe you’ve never traveled to an event not knowing anyone or you’ve never attended a retreat. Maybe you love retreats but you’ve never explored the 30A area. If you’re like me, I get nervous to say “yes” to a weekend that’s about rest and out of my routine. I’m good at busy, but rest…that can be hard. The stillness is where things get quiet. The space is where I have time to think. It’s where healing and strengthening take place. Your “yes” to whatever your adventure looks like is met with ABUNDANCE. You’re covered in prayer and will be met with a greeting from the most incredible women that are coming together all desiring similar things. That’s comforting and exciting.

We are releasing a brand new weekend on Thursday at 8 AM CT. I’d love to be your personal contact for any questions. You can comment on this post, send me a DM or email me at It would be such a delight to host you in a few months for a weekend I have seen transform faith, deepen peace and build life-long friendships. See you ladies in SEASIDE!!


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