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A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Esther

July 10, 2024

A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Esther

Esther 4:16 “I will go to the King, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish.”
I was inspired to research some of the women of the Bible whose incredible stories are important to inspire our daily spiritual walks. In our culture, it can be challenging to find people who encourage us to draw near to Jesus. They are modeling their lives around Him, therefore attracting those of us who desire to do the same. 
Esther’s story is one of obedience, courage, and integrity. I would recommend that you read the entirety of it if you have the time, but for today we are concentrating on her pure character. It’s not that she was perfect (as we will never be either), but that she stepped up when the time was right. She knew that God was asking her to be brave, answer His call, and trust Him without knowing the outcome. As I’m finishing typing that sentence, I believe there are some of you reading this email that are being asked to step up in a similar fashion. I don’t even have to call you out, because I’m confident that you’re feeling the Spirit nudge your heart. 
Esther humbly listened to the advice and urging of her cousin, ultimately choosing to selflessly surrender her concern for herself. It’s honestly hard for me to even grasp the weight of this. Every time that I make a decision, I’m thinking about how it will affect my life. I’m thinking about the positive and negative ramifications. We like our comfort zones. Can I get an amen? (HA) 
Is there an area of your life that you need to take a ‘next right step’ of obedience? Tell someone about it today and ask them to partner with you as you pursue it. 
Jesus, you are the author of our stories. Nothing surprises you and nothing escapes you. Give us sensitivity to your Spirit to feel your promptings. Give us the boldness to obey. You are faithful, you are kind, and you love us so much! We love you. Amen. 

Get to know our Wheatful Wednesday Author, Hannah

Hannah is a residential realtor in DFW. She is passionate about encouraging women to chase hard after Jesus regardless of marital status. She believes linking arms in authentic community is a beautiful picture of His kindness and goodness.

Hannah loves accessorizing, the live music scene, making memories with her tribe, exploring the world, and the enneagram. Find her on the trails with her Boston Terrier pup, on a patio with friends trying a new restaurant, content creating, or dreaming about a new adventure!

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