Cobblestone streets lined with beach homes full of character

Cobblestone streets lined with beach homes full of character
Cobblestone streets lined with beach homes full of character.

White sand, crystal clear water and a watercolor sky.

A small town square with coffee shops, a bookstore, restaurants, food trucks, boutiques and more.

A chapel.

A pool club that overlooks the ocean.

From the moment you pull up to our luxury beach home for the weekend you will have independence to explore town or enjoy a cozy porch at our home without needing car transportation. This town creates a beautiful balance of togetherness and space.

I choose this town for our retreats because I experienced a peace here, and connection to God, that I want other women to experience. I first visited this area with family and experienced a connection to God that resulting in more understanding of who I am in His image. I immediately began dreaming about hosting women in this area for weekends of rest. What I didn’t know? Just how INCREDIBLE the connection would be among our guests year-over-year. We call y’all retreat alumni for a reason. We are family. When God orchestrates our guest list, you can’t expect any less.

These retreats were created with a vision to hold space for women to connect with God and as a result themselves. What has been the most moving surprise is how guests connect with one another.

Thank you, Jesus, for the women you guide to these weekends and the meaningful friendships that result from it.

September Seaside, FL Women’s Retreat tickets available until THIS FRIDAY, 7/19 here.

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