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Comfort & ControlšŸ˜¬

June 26, 2024

Comfort & ControlšŸ˜¬

All about attitude

I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. Philippians 1:12 (NIV)

I want you to know that what has happened to me has really ticked me off and ruined my plans. This is probably how I would respond if I were thrown in prison like the apostle Paul, without having committed an actual crime. And yet Paul had a completely different response to his wrongful imprisonment. He was so focused on the gospel, that even his attitude in trials remained hopeful for what God could do in his dire placement.

Itā€™s embarrassing to admit the small things that can spark a bad attitude in my heart. But I want to normalize the struggle against even small things like bad traffic, the wrong order at a restaurant, a curt text, my child leaving their bed during bedtime, someone canceling plans on me, etc. I also want to call out the problem in my heart: when I notice my attitude negatively shift, it's because I am too focused on myself and my own comfort or control.

Paul was not focused on obtaining comfort or control. Paul was focused on what is most important in this world, the spreading of the gospel. May that be true of us too. Let the gospelā€™s message start inside, softening the soil of our hearts, that we may see Godā€™s goodness no matter what our circumstances. Sister, it's okay to validate the impact of our hardships, but as believers it does not have to stop there. We know that in Christ, all our labor is not in vain. We know that God can use our dark seasons to shine forth His light. We canā€™t control our circumstances, but we can control our attitudes. Anything that happens to us can serve to advance the gospel. May our attitudes reflect this truth.

God, I am sorry for the times I had a bad attitude due to my self-centeredness. Help me see your bigger picture. Anchor my attitude in the fact that your ways are higher than mine.Ā 

Meet our author, Jessica!

Jessica Bearden works as a Licensed Professional Counselor in The Woodlands, Texas. She is passionate about providing a judgment-free, hope-focused environment for her clients. Jessica enjoys theater, traveling, theology, and teaching the Bible! You will catch her drinking coffee every single day to keep up with chasing after her twin girls and toddler boy! She co-hosts Abide Womenā€™s Bible Study retreats in TX to guide women to study Scripture with intentionality and passion. Connect with her on Instagram! @jessica_bearden If interested in counseling services, you can contact her and the True North team atĀ www.truenorthtw.comĀ (must be a Texas resident to receive True North services).

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