We don’t have to keep searching

We don’t have to keep searching

It has been here all along.

When was the last time you watched the clouds moving, paused to listen to the rustling leaves, noticed the magnificence of the ocean’s waves, listened to the sound of a streaming river, or gazed at the brightness of the moon’s light?

We’re so often asking for God to show up in our lives. Yet, we’re surrounded by evidence of His presence and we somehow miss the obvious. It’s like when we’re pacing around searching for those sunglasses, our keys, or our phone only to find them on our head, in our pocket, or on the counter we’re staring directly at. How on earth do we miss it? 

While the earth is traveling roughly 1.6 million miles a day amidst the galaxies, we stand still in our everyday lives searching…asking for Him to show up. While the trees around us weather their seasons, the sun and moon continue to bear and cease their shining, ocean tides continue to rise and fall within their boundaries, and the breath in our lungs continues to sustain us, we wonder where God is. How on earth do we miss Him?

Oh what a beautiful reminder today that we don’t have to keep searching. What we’ve been searching for has actually been here all along.

Prayer: We thank you, Lord, that we don’t have to keep searching. Thank you that we live in an abundance of opportunities to see, hear, feel, experience, and know you more every day. We thank you for the sea of opportunities we swim in daily that speak to the marvelous work of your hands and your unfailing goodness. What a gift that you gave us our senses to experience a whole earth filled with Your presence. Fix our eyes upward and outward today that we might experience you in it all. Oh, that we would experience the whole earth filled with your glory today.

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory.” - Isaiah 6:3

Annica Fischer, Wheatful Wednesday Devotional Author

Annica has spent more than a decade in leadership development, coaching, and consulting. After experiencing a deeply rooted need for mentorship and support as a Christian mom working in the corporate world, she stepped away to create a space that would help fill that gap. She currently writes and hosts a podcast, The Tried and Truth Podcast, that serves as a platform to equip and encourage women to thrive in their faith, home, and work lives through simple truths and inspiring conversations. Annica lives in Fort Worth with her husband and their three young and wild boys.
Follow along at www.annicafischer.com or on Instagram at @annicafischer
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