Help us to be people who remember your goodness

Help us to be people who remember your goodness

Great is thy faithfulness (but we forget.)

How many times have you heard or sang the hymn “great is thy faithfulness”? I think it’s one I truly think we can never sing enough. Why? Because the world too often lures us into a forgotten story. The headlines, social media feeds, obstacles, deadlines, and anxious thoughts pull us away from remembering God’s goodness in our lives.

We’re so quick to forget where we’ve been and all that God has done in our lives. Think back to where you were just one, two, or even five years ago. It can be easy to remember the big pieces of your story, but what about the thousands of other times God has faithfully shown up in your life?

We are a forgetful people which perhaps is why the word “remember” comes up over two hundred times in scripture. We need to be reminded of what God has done, of His word, of His truth…often.

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.” -Psalm 77:11


Lord, we confess that we’re a forgetful people. We too often forget all that you’ve done, how far we’ve come because of your work in our lives, and your promises over our lives. Help us to be a people that hold fast to your word and your truth. Help us to be people who remember your goodness. Oh that we not posture our hearts as an entitled people, but rather as a people humbled by your faithfulness in our lives. Let us meditate today on the words of the hymn:

“Great is Thy faithfulness 

Morning by morning new mercies I see 

All I have needed Thy hand hath provided 

Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me”

Annica Fischer, Wheatful Wednesday Devotional Author

Annica has spent more than a decade in leadership development, coaching, and consulting. After experiencing a deeply rooted need for mentorship and support as a Christian mom working in the corporate world, she stepped away to create a space that would help fill that gap. She currently writes and hosts a podcast, The Tried and Truth Podcast, that serves as a platform to equip and encourage women to thrive in their faith, home, and work lives through simple truths and inspiring conversations. Annica lives in Fort Worth with her husband and their three young and wild boys.
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