Caught up in the world’s current

Caught up in the world’s current

Have you ever noticed how we don’t naturally drift towards things like joy, peace, unity, or community?

Our world has developed this incredible ability to lure us in the opposite direction - towards isolation, depression, and comparison. It creates headlines that instill fear and doubt, or social media feeds that rob us of our joy as we’re led into the comparison trap. Let’s not forget the land of abundance that we live in that holds countless opportunities to invest in the meaningless at the expense of the meaningful - our spouses, our friends, our kids, our neighbors.

So often we get caught up in the world’s current without even realizing it. We find ourselves feeling like we’re lost at sea, far from being able to hear him as we’ve drifted away from the abundant life. But, here’s the beautiful part. We have a loving Father who throws us a life raft. He reaches out his hand, restores our weary souls, and surrounds us with people who help carry us back to shore.


When we feel lost at sea today, drifting in the wrong direction, lead us back to you. Help us to fix our eyes on the lighthouse instead of the raging seas around us. When we feel our feet sinking and heart doubting like Peter did, help us to not be afraid but rather reach for your hand. Anchor our hope and trust in You and give us the perseverance to go against the current and swim towards you. Surround us with people who will walk alongside us, away from meaningless things and towards the meaningful.

“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”. Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him…” 

Matthew 14:29-31

Annica Fischer, Wheatful Wednesday Devotional Author

Annica has spent more than a decade in leadership development, coaching, and consulting. After experiencing a deeply rooted need for mentorship and support as a Christian mom working in the corporate world, she stepped away to create a space that would help fill that gap. She currently writes and hosts a podcast, The Tried and Truth Podcast, that serves as a platform to equip and encourage women to thrive in their faith, home, and work lives through simple truths and inspiring conversations. Annica lives in Fort Worth with her husband and their three young and wild boys.
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