Today's Climb

Today's Climb

Today, each of us woke up facing our own “rock”. These obstacles, challenges, circumstances, and situations were the world we stepped into today. And so, we each began our climb.

For some people, today’s climb is all about finding the courage to take the next step and for others it looks like waiting patiently in the stillness.

It might be making a career move, finally launching a business, or trying to escape burnout.

Perhaps it’s the desire to become a parent, trying to survive the baby phase, parenting a teenager, or worrying about your grown children as they become parents themselves.

The rocks we phase can be complex- they come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. Sometimes it’s our busyness, fear of judgment, pride, shame, ego or embarrassment that prevents each of our “rocks” from being made known. While we may never know what rocks others are truly up against, we can, however, choose to acknowledge that we’re all up against one today. Our job is not to try and understand them, bear the weight of them, or to try to fix them…

Our job is simply to extend grace to the people around us as we all face our climbs today, hoping they’ll extend it, too.


Lord, we all find ourselves facing obstacles and challenges today. We’re all trying to figure things out and find ourselves failing and falling often. Help us to see the rocks before us today as opportunities. May we confront them today with confidence as we experience your grace and goodness in them. Help us to extend grace to those around us, too, knowing that everyone is facing their own “climb” today. Thank you for reminding us that we’re surrounded by fellow rock climbers and are not alone. Help us to not try to carry everyone else’s rocks but rather to come alongside them with grace and love. And lastly, we thank you, Lord, that you are our rock and strong tower. No obstacle is too big for you to face or carry.

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock in whom I take refuge…” 

Psalm 18:2

Annica Fischer, Wheatful Wednesday Devotional Author

Annica has spent more than a decade in leadership development, coaching, and consulting. After experiencing a deeply rooted need for mentorship and support as a Christian mom working in the corporate world, she stepped away to create a space that would help fill that gap. She currently writes and hosts a podcast, The Tried and Truth Podcast, that serves as a platform to equip and encourage women to thrive in their faith, home, and work lives through simple truths and inspiring conversations. Annica lives in Fort Worth with her husband and their three young and wild boys.
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