“Let us not grow weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” Galatians 6:9
Obedience can be hard — like really, really, hard. It has a tendency to lead to some weariness because it challenges us to keep saying yes in moments we don’t think we can keep waiting or holding on.
You may find yourselves in seasons where you keep answering and following the call, planting the seeds, but have yet to have your opportunity to reap.
This is our encouragement we need to cling to:
“Sow your seed in the morning and at evening let your hands not be idle for you do not know which will succeed” Ecclesiastes 11:6
Keep trusting in Christ. Cling to your “yes”. Don’t give up on your fight — because we have no idea what harvest God has handcrafted for the seeds you faithfully planted on the other side.
#wheatfulwednesday #seasonofsowing @rhiannamarie24