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Ask God First

March 07, 2018

Ask God First

“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” - Matthew 6:33

Do you remember the search engine site Ask Jeeves? Well, I’m challenging us to ask Jesus. One of the beautiful parts of being a Christian is that we get to boldly and frequently approach the throne of God with our thoughts, questions, and concerns, no matter how big or small they may seem. 

God cares just as much about the little stuff going on as he does the miracles He creates. He wants us to talk to him like a friend, and seek His help like a parent. He wants to hear about our need for energy when we’re feeling zapped and reaching for that second (or fourth) cup of coffee. He wants to know if we’re feeling overwhelmed and how we need relief. He wants to rescue our minds and hearts when you’re drowning in a sea of ambiguity and unknowns. God wants all of us. Not just the big or medium or small moments. He wants us to have a full, transparent, tell-all relationship with Him. 

Before we call our best friend, let’s call on God. Before we type our questions into an app, let’s seek wisdom from the God who knows and created all. Before we complain, let's go to God and tell Him what’s on our hearts, open and ready to hear Him breathe truth, peace, and clarity into us. God is not only mighty to save; He is mighty to answer. We can rest in the assurance that He can be trusted with every aspect our lives, no matter how minuscule the tasks may seem. He is an ever-present help and more than that, He’s the best listener. Patient, kind, graceful and full of love. He will not only listen; He will actually direct our paths. A companion who listens well first and then gives the best advice? God is the friend we long to be! 

Weekly Challenge: Let’s embark together on this challenge to Ask Him First for a week, and see how our trust, hope and faith grows in these seven days. 

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