Obedience never leaves us empty - part 8 of 8

Obedience never leaves us empty - part 8 of 8

Psalm 81:16 ESV

But he would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.

What was happening in year seven:

Year seven appeared to be the most steady year yet. We were going back to Seaside, FL for two more women’s retreat weekends that were nearly sold out, our product volume and team size were growing and we were hitting record sales. I even had an opportunity to partner with a local church to oversee their conference sponsorships, something that brings me great joy and was such a blessing to be around new like-minded friendships and learn how leadership of other organizations operate.

We found out, after 3 years of experiencing our journey of infertility and being told we would never have our own children without medical intervention, we were pregnant. A pregnancy that was so precious and filled with praise that lasted 8.5 weeks. Our miscarriage was a moment of deep grief that I will carry with me forever. One of the most intimate moments I had with the Lord during this pregnancy was while I was packaging orders after the release of our brand new (at the time) Distracted Devotional. I like to listen to worship music, pray over the customers and praise God while packaging orders so that is exactly what I was doing. I remember placing my hand on my belly and hearing “Ember”. I paused packaging orders and researched the definition of Ember. A steady and calm flame that needs just a small burst of wind to take flight. I imagined our warrior miracle child, made in the image of God. It was a precious moment with my Father that I will never forget and I am grateful for the memory of.

A few months later, we found out we were expecting again. This time, we proceeded with walls up, great dependence on God and with faith. We took it slow, as was best for us, and this pregnancy came to full term resulting in our precious baby boy that is currently napping in the room next to me.

I have never walked a single moment of this business that I do not see God’s arms wrapped around me. Year seven was a year that I saw the fruit of my labor. I saw the business working to provide for my family and the families of the women on our team. I saw the growth, I saw the impact and I saw God’s presence all over it. God is so faithful to give me this sight prior to a season that I personally needed space to move at a slower pace, to grieve and to celebrate.

The impact of our Seaside, FL Women’s Retreat Weekends is a story for itself. We yet again saw the most incredible women, with the most incredible stories, gather and experience how good our Father is. He never fails to show up and exceed all expectations of how abundant His love is.

How God showed us who He is:

Despite how unpredictable (and almost always, uncomfortable) life is, our God is steady. Choosing to live out our belief that His goodness is worth choosing in the present changes everything. Trials will always be present but the same is true of His goodness. Let’s not miss the good stuff before us through the distraction of the search for it.

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