Big dreams bring God glory - part 7 of 8

Big dreams bring God glory - part 7 of 8

Psalm 81:16 ESV

But he would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.


What was happening during year six:

I sat down at the end of the year and began to outline my 5 year plan for Wheat and Honey Co. God has shown me His love for dreaming. He wants us to be creative with Him and to envision what the future holds. In doing this, I also know to hold these things loosely and desire His will above my own always.


At the beginning of 2021, I put out an Instagram poll regarding one of these 5 year dreams. I told our community I desire to take a group of women to Seaside, FL for a weekend retreat. A weekend in a fancy beach home with comfy beds, a private chef, sunrise beach worship, small groups, fun gifts but most importantly good people and a weekend I believed God would meet us each uniquely. I put the price out there, the dates, and waited to see if this was something that served the women that are a part of this business.


As you can imagine to my GREAT surprise, many women said they would attend. My 5 year dream happened in a matter of weeks. I got to work, planned a weekend and launched tickets. Tickets that sold out in two days so we launched a second weekend. The details on my leap of faith to launch a second weekend could be another blog post entirely but all you need to know for the sake of knowing God more through our business story is that He revealed one guest to me that I knew was supposed to be there…so we launched another weekend that nearly sold out as well. I was in shock.


You can read more about what our Seaside, FL Retreat weekends mean to my heart in other blog posts but in short, I’ll say this: we leave changed and looking more like Jesus with new life-long friendships and a rested spirit EVERY TIME. Four retreat weekends in, God does it every time.


This year, we also hosted a birthday party worship night in Fort Worth. Women gathered, we shared a meal, shopped local small businesses, worshiped and heard from God through myself and my friend, Carrie Lopez. We felt the importance of doing something local alongside our first out of town retreat so this seemed to be the fit! With the vision of hosting a space for women to be fed in God’s truth and to experience meaningful connection with others, we also had the privilege of experiencing the gifting of our hand painted Bibles to Freedom Shield Foundation. We scattered hand painted Bibles over the tables for women to journal prayers and words of encouragement in and to pray over that would later be gifted to the women rescued from human trafficking. It was beautiful and we don’t even yet see how God has used those words, prayers and Bibles to draw women near Him as they pick the Bible that speaks to them to make their own. Gives me chills. Big dreams, in partnership with Jesus, bring BIG GLORY.


How God showed us who He is:

Dream with God in mind and He will show you His glory. It’s a guarantee. You will experience the purest and most true form of love when you dream fearlessly with God at your side. How precious is this life that we get to use our unique talents, passions and dreams for His glory in this way? Our big dreams bring God glory. We must be bold, brave and accept His power as we dream of all the ways God desires to use our lives to make His Kingdom come.

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