Let the Children Come...

Let the Children Come...

Let the Children Come...

Luke 18:16-17 ESV “ But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” 

Do you ever have those moments where you reflect on childhood? 

When I think of children/childhood, these are the words that come to mind: 
Authentic, Amiable, Adventurous, and Brave. 

Children are incredibly dependent on their caretakers. This is exactly how we should be towards our Savior. Jesus is calling us to come to Him with all of our daily worries and concerns, in spirit and in truth. During this week, chase after more of Jesus authentically, with an amiable heart willing to change for His will to be done in your life. Be adventurous and brave while taking your relationship with Jesus deeper through digging into His Word of truth!  

Jesus, help us to know that we can run to You, no matter what the circumstances are around us. Help us to walk out child-like faith. Strengthen us to place our trust in You daily. Amen. 

Mariah Howard is a speech-language pathologist and hopes to impact lives through the power of communication. She believes in the power of having a voice that is deeply rooted in the purpose Christ has placed within each of us. Mariah loves basking in the sweetness of the Savior with other chosen women of God. Mariah loves connecting and sharing her journey of life in Christ with others!
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