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Hold Fast in the Fire: In the Flames

December 06, 2023

Hold Fast in the Fire: In the Flames

Hold Fast in the Fire: In the Flames

Sometimes life makes us feel like we’ve been uncontrollably thrown into the middle of the fire. 

We were fired from our job.
We experienced heartache.
We grieve loss.
We have a new diagnosis. 
We don’t know what our purpose is and struggle to press on. 

When we feel like life is on fire we may feel completely out of control.  Maybe we have reached the deepest depths of pain, and now everything appears to be engulfed in flames. 

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego can relate as they literally were thrown into flames themselves. They were thrown in as a result of King Nebuchadnezzar’s anger toward their faithfulness to God. 
“ …He ordered the furnace heated seven times hotter than usual and commanded some of the strongest soldiers in his army to tie up Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and throw them into the blazing furnace.” Daniel 3:19-20

As believers, we sometimes fall into the trap of the false belief that if God is for me then nothing bad can or should happen to me. But this invites us to question God’s sovereignty. 

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Scripture states that we will endure hardship to no surprise. Even God’s most faithful servants and disciples faced certain depths of adversity that we may never experience in our lifetime. But one thing remains the same - it’s the call to cling to Jesus’ faithfulness amid the flames.  

Friend, let us fight to shift our gaze above our flames. Though it may not make our circumstances change, by seeking Him, an unexplainable peace is promised to be given. 

@rhiannamarie24 #HoldFastInTheFlames #InTheFlames

Lord Jesus, we thank you that you are never surprised by the flames thrown into our lives. We praise you that though they may surround us you never forsake us, and we have the gift of unexplainable peace. Be with my sisters undergoing fire. Holy Spirit I ask you would move mightily and bring your presence near so she can find comfort in you. We place our trust in you. Amen.

Rhianna Marie Nix, Wheatful Wednesday Devotional Author

Rhianna Marie Nix is the author of “Faithfully Fervent: Standing Firm as a Woman of God in a World Ready to Run”. Rhianna is a native Texan and a Pediatric Operating Room Nurse. She is married to her wonderful husband Ryan Nix and has two dogs. Rhianna is passionately following her calling into ministry by pursuing her mission to help bring hope and healing through her testimony proclaiming that God resurrects pain into purpose. She will fiercely fight to empower people to know Christ and believe in His incomparable power to transform and save.

Connect with her on Instagram @rhiannamarie24 and learn more about her book, Faithfully Fervent, on Amazon here.

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