Hi, friend. It feels like it’s been FOREVER since we’ve walked through a Wheatful Wednesday together and can I just say it’s so good to be back!
Quick temperature check. How are you feeling today, sis? Are you hyped up, running on caffeine and enthusiasm for fresh change? Are you exhausted, feeling like you need a vacation after your holiday vacation? Are you disappointed with your 2018 year in review and your “top 9” on Instagram, hoping you can accomplish more this year? Maybe you’re a little bit of all three.
No matter where you’re landing on the emotional New Year scale, I want you to know something. You’re loved just as you are. Without your accomplishments, with all of your baggage and past mistakes, and in all your authentic, messy glory YOU ARE LOVED. But if you’re having trouble believing that today, you’re not alone.
I ended my new year filled with shame and guilt. All my failures and mistakes from the past 10 years (yes, the past DECADE) seemed to flood my mind as I thought about my dreams and goals for 2019. How could I accomplish big things in the new year when all I could think about was how I’ve failed in the past? My anxiety skyrocketed and just when I thought it couldn’t get any higher, my insecurity and imposter syndrome seemed to triple. When I took inventory of why I was feeling the weight of all the negativity my scattered brain could process, I realized it was because I wasn’t hearing God’s voice. I’d been disconnected from the truth of the Lord which made me more susceptible to the lies of the Enemy.
I was believing my past defined me when in fact the Lord defines me as Holy, loved, and a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
I was thinking my worth was attached to my financial, marital, or professional status when in reality my worth is ONLY found in Him. (1 Peter 2:9)
I was convincing myself I needed to stay small because of my lack of qualifications or shortcomings, instead of realizing I could glorify God with my gifts and potential, without fear of failing or what other people will think of me. (Ephesians 2:10)
When we unintentionally disconnect from the Lord and His Word, we open our hearts up for lies, fear and other people’s opinions of us. But as daughters of the King, we don’t have to rely on confirmation from others or our own understanding. We are already adored right where we are! Sit in that for a second - YOU ARE ENOUGH! Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was an atonement for sin, yours and mine, and we have a new identity as a beloved, redeemed child of God.
As we venture into 2019, we invite you to keep referring to God’s truth. When you’re feeling lonely. When you’re wondering what you’re worth. When you’re convinced you’re too far gone in your sin to be loved and forgiven. Get in the Word, talk to God and allow Him to fill you with the affirmation of His love and grace for you.
Looking for more on God’s promises you can cling to in times of doubt, fear, and uncertainty? Check out our latest printed Bible Study, STAY: An Invitation to Purposefully Focus on God’s Presence & Promises. Our team is starting it again this week and we’d love for you to join us!
With so much love in 2019,