A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Ruth

A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Ruth
This verse is a blessing read over Ruth by her future husband, Boaz. Forget Hallmark, this is meaningful romance at its finest moment! Her story is marked by her extreme kindness and devotion to her mother-in-law even after the death of her first husband. She left the land, the people that she knew, and her comfort zone to provide for the only family that remained. She took the lowly and humble position in the fields of harvest without complaint. She fervently followed the Lord and believed that He would provide for her without taking measures into her own hands. Spoiler alert: He did provide - - - generously and faithfully. Anyone else convicted? 
I love the unfolding of this story. God gives the harvest workers eyes to see Ruth, then Boaz eyes to see her, all to communicate that HE sees her. He has not forgotten her or her family. God so often uses His people to draw us to Himself. Is there anyone in your life that comes to mind that fits this description? Recently, I went through a tough holiday season. In a vulnerable state of feeling alone, not one but TWO of my dear friends reached out to invite me into their festivities. They both specifically said that they were thinking of me and wanted me to feel seen and included. It felt like it was a direct line from God reminding me that I am loved. It was a teary moment of intense gratitude, and I will never forget it.
Jesus, you are in the big picture and also in the minor details. You don’t forget about us even when we feel alone. Our circumstances may be ridiculously heavy, but we don’t have to carry them alone because you promise to be our safe place. What a relief. What a gift! We love you so very much. Amen.

Get to know our Wheatful Wednesday Author, Hannah

Hannah is a residential realtor in DFW. She is passionate about encouraging women to chase hard after Jesus regardless of marital status. She believes linking arms in authentic community is a beautiful picture of His kindness and goodness.

Hannah loves accessorizing, the live music scene, making memories with her tribe, exploring the world, and the enneagram. Find her on the trails with her Boston Terrier pup, on a patio with friends trying a new restaurant, content creating, or dreaming about a new adventure!
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