A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Miriam

A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Miriam

Miriam is most commonly known for her role in helping deliver her brother Moses by securing him in the Nile River, watching until Pharaoh's daughter found him, and then reconnecting him back to their mother for nursing. As an older sister myself, I find this story incredibly endearing. She’s under instructions from her mother, but I can also imagine a protective nature that aided in her journey. She couldn’t predict what would happen, but she did her best to ensure goodness for his life. Whoa, I feel that so deeply. I am constantly reminded to surrender my brother’s life to the Lord. Yes, I am aware that in reality I have zero control, but more importantly I believe that God will take better care of him than I could ever hope to do myself. 


Miriam is also given credit for leading the Hebrew women in joyous celebration following the crossing of the Red Sea. Jesus was so faithful in rescuing the Israelites after years of cruel slavery, so there was a glaring reason to commemorate their freedom! 


One of my favorite practices as of late is keeping a gratitude note on my phone to document moments of God’s goodness in my life. It’s also been a sweet way of remembering to share with others so that they can participate in the joy. We are forgetful people, and tangible reminders can make an incredible impact! 


Jesus, we want to celebrate your faithfulness to us! We want to sing and shout and declare your glory! Help us to remember. You are a tender, loving Father. Wrap your arms around us as we seek to know you more. We love you. Amen.

Get to know our Wheatful Wednesday Author, Hannah

Hannah is a residential realtor in DFW. She is passionate about encouraging women to chase hard after Jesus regardless of marital status. She believes linking arms in authentic community is a beautiful picture of His kindness and goodness.

Hannah loves accessorizing, the live music scene, making memories with her tribe, exploring the world, and the enneagram. Find her on the trails with her Boston Terrier pup, on a patio with friends trying a new restaurant, content creating, or dreaming about a new adventure!
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