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What it looks like to reap God's blessings

October 06, 2021

What it looks like to reap God's blessings

After a long, and maybe even weary, season of patiently sowing seeds for The Lord, comes the beautiful season of reaping your reward. 

There is something intimate about entering into a season of reaping. It’s incredibly powerful, yet humbling at the same time. 

You planted in faith. 

You waited in expectant hope. 

Every tear shed, every doubt cried, and every lie you had to fight against all along was faithfully part of the journey ordained for you — ultimately, to some way, somehow, bless you.

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap“ Luke 6:38

You are finally in that forward place; the place you believed in faith that God would one day take you to as you fought to overcome the adversity in front of you. 

God sometimes surprises us with what we reap. 

Maybe you’ve reconciled a relationship.

Maybe you’re finally debt free.

Maybe you’re finally witnessing lives impacted by your ministry. 

Maybe, what you reap is not what you initially thought or hoped you’d see in front of you. But friend, never underestimate some of the greatest gifts you could reap are when God uses a season to heal and transform you deeply from within. 


#seasonofreaping #wheatfulwednesday @rhiannamarie24

Rhianna Marie Nix is the author of “Faithfully Fervent: Standing Firm as a Woman of God in a World Ready to Run”. Rhianna is a pediatric registered nurse and is passionately following her calling into ministry by radically pursuing her mission to mirror God’s vision. Her mission is to help bring hope and healing through her testimony. She will fiercely fight to empower people to know Christ and believe in His incomparable power to transform and save. @rhiannamarie24  @faithfullyfervent
Photography by Ashia Mosely

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