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Walking in faith is not comfortable; it's holy

January 26, 2022

Walking in faith is not comfortable; it's holy

Today's Wheatful Wednesday devotional is an excerpt from our brand new Distracted: 40 Days to Know God More & Live Freed Devotional. In this new tool, we address lies of the world and confront them with the truth of God.

Distraction: Comfort
First Thoughts:

Lie of the world: Happiness is found through the security of worldly things.
Truth of God: Walking in faith is not comfortable; it's holy.


Living in faith in our fallen world is uncomfortable, and that discomfort is the input to the output of holiness. Instead of pursuing comfort, let's pursue peace. God has a life of peace for you that is far more fulfilling than the "happiness" our flesh so quickly pursues in the idea of comfort.

God wants to be our refuge, to renew us day-by-day in the shadow of His wings so we can continue our pursuit of Christ-likeness.

This idea of a comfortable life plays on our deep desire for rest in God and living in peace. A comfortable life is not the goal. A holy one is.

"for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy." Psalm 63:7 ESV

Prayer / Application:

My God, I want to burn with passion for you. Give me eyes to see the good Father that you are, the Faithful protector of my soul. I want to be a vessel for the Kingdom today that stands for light in darkness because I have your peace and the renewal that comes from resting in the shadow of your wings. I praise you today, God, for this rest and peace you freely give. Amen.


Do you understand the difference between comfort and peace? Talk to God about it today.


Click here to grab your Distracted Devotional.

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