Tying our hope up in the elusive ‘next thing.’

Tying our hope up in the elusive ‘next thing.’

In the hustle of our busy lives, it’s easy to tie our hope up in the elusive ‘next thing.’ 

Our hope often clings to the promise of ‘something’ to restore meaning to our lives. So we fix our eyes and efforts upon a created hope. 

Yet, upon reaching what we hoped for, we quickly realize its transient nature. We’re left searching and longing for something more…

True hope, however, can bring peace rather than anxious striving and endless seeking. 

It is not something we can find or create. Rather, it’s a gift we’re invited to experience daily.  

Every day is brimming with hope. 

Imagine each morning as a treasure chest, eagerly waiting to unveil its purpose-filled treasures to those who open it with hopeful hearts. 

We can wake up filled with confidence in a father who loves us. We can embrace each sunrise with expectant hearts that He is with us and for us. 

Today is the perfect day for a reset…

A day to untether your hope from that elusive ‘next thing’ and ground it where true hope is found …in Him whose love for us will never fail.

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you…”  Psalm 143:8

“But those who hope in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Prayer: Lord, we too often put our hope in things that will ultimately disappoint. Restore our sense of true hope in You. Remind us that we can live expectantly, even in the in-betweens, because you, Lord, are our hope. When we hope in other things to give us what only you can give, steer our minds and hearts back to you. Thank you that your love is steadfast in our lives, it never ceases and is always with us. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who has been given to us because you love us and desire for us to experience you, always. Give us this day, Lord, a hope-filled and hopeful day.

Meet our author, Annica!

Meet Annica, ex-corporate mom who felt the struggle of trying to do it all. She left behind the corporate space to create a space for women mentorship as the host of The Tried and Truth Podcast. She’s all about keeping it real and sharing authentic conversations and simple truths on faith, home, and work. She lives in the heart of Fort Worth with her husband and three lively boys. You can follow Annica on Instagram at @annicafischer.
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