The magic that margin unlocks

The magic that margin unlocks

Do you remember the childhood days when boredom was a constant companion, and the world stretched out before you like an open canvas waiting to be uncovered?


Now life exists within the constraints of busy days and filled calendars with not a minute to spare for us to experience boredom.

Yet…As we navigate the busyness of adult life, we often lose sight of the magic that margin unlocked for us as a child… A chance to create, explore, ideate, dream, and experience greater joy. 


Challenge yourself this week to take small, but mighty steps to create windows of opportunity to restore some of this wonder back into your life.


Schedule pockets of 'fun time,' set boundaries on your commitments, or plan activities with those who bring joy into your life.


Give yourself permission to embrace stillness rather than distractions.


Perhaps this intentional margin could bring about greater rest, a deeper sense of renewal, restored joy or even the beginning of something wonder-filled?


“He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.” Psalm 23:2-3


Prayer: Lord, restore our sense of wonder, joy, and adventure. We confess that we have created busy lives with no room to experience the gifts you’ve given us.  We’re often blinded by our busyness to even see the gifts you’ve surrounded us with. As children, we never imagined missing the days of boredom and now we long again for more of those quieter days, greater freedom with time, and a restored soul. Help us to make wise choices with our time, rediscover the gift of the Sabbath in our lives, and loosen our grip on control so that we might make room for us to experience more of You and your goodness.

Meet our author, Annica!

Meet Annica, ex-corporate mom who felt the struggle of trying to do it all. She left behind the corporate space to create a space for women mentorship as the host of The Tried and Truth Podcast. She’s all about keeping it real and sharing authentic conversations and simple truths on faith, home, and work. She lives in the heart of Fort Worth with her husband and three lively boys. You can follow Annica on Instagram at @annicafischer.
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