There's never been a moment you were forgotten

Wheat and Honey Co-Hand Painted Bibles


Today, we are talking about your unfailing love. Those two words bring chills down my spine as I ponder how majestic and wonderful you truly are. It’s more than we will ever be able to comprehend. As we enter this devotional today, I pray that you would give us your words, your truth, and your love. God, would you encourage us to know you more, understand the depths of your love and learn how to receive it? We love you, Abba Father.


Unfailing love. 

As little girls, it’s likely most of us dreamt of being saved. It’s part of our wiring to be captivated by the idea of being protected, fought for and desired. As I mature in my faith, I stand in awe at the truth that lies behind our innate desires long before we walk intimately with the Lord. Before I knew the Lord, and the truths of His love, I knew I desired to be protected. As children, particularly little girls, most of us dreamt of our knight in shining armor, our Disney prince, coming to save us from the harm of the world. As adults, we dream of a future husband that will lead our household. We long to be a desired friend by friends and family. I do not find it by chance that we are born with this ingrained in who we are. We are born knowing and understanding the truth of what our God has to offer us. We are born desiring and craving it. The missing piece? It takes coming to know Him, experiencing Him and being led to Him to recognize this desire of our hearts is of Him and for Him. 

Lauren Daigle sings these words in her latest release, Rescue: 

You are not hidden

There's never been a moment

You were forgotten

You are not hopeless

Though you have been broken

Your innocence stolen

I hear you whisper underneath your breath

I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army to find you

In the middle of the darkest night

It's true, I will rescue you

I bold those last three lines because I feel the same emotion every time I hear Lauren sing them. As if I’ve been told the greatest truth of all time and want to cry tears of relief and feel the greatest hope all at once. Every time I hear her sing those last three lines, my attention to anything but our God comes to a halt and I just want to turn my palms up and sing to Him. 

God is love. 1 John 4:8 He is the ultimate example of love. He rescues US. You and me. He saves us from ourselves and our flesh so we might know Him more. He protects us so we can be a part of His Kingdom for eternity. Now, tell me what problem you face today that is bigger than this truth? He’s not going anywhere. You can’t run Him off. He’s here to stay. He’s here to fight. He’s here to protect. All He asks in return is that we accept His love, seek Him and share His truth. Can we do that?

God, we pray for eyes to see and understand your love with each passing day. God, help us to understand that you are the ultimate example of love. Without you, there is no hope for love. With you, we have an immediate resource to love others and ourselves with the unfailing love that has been extended to us. Help us to know you more in this moment, today. Teach us, through your truth, to extend the same love to others that has been graciously given to us. Amen.

Brittany Goff

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