Do you think of yourself as the CEO or COO of your life?

Wheat and Honey Co-Hand Painted Bibles

Opening Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for being the captain of our lives, the ultimate CEO who leads and directs us on a daily basis. Thank you for being a God of closeness, a leader who desires intimacy and a relationship with us as we walk through life. Help us to give you the gratitude you deserve for your loyal character, and your promise to never leave us or lead us astray. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Have you ever heard the saying “You are the CEO of your own life?”

That quote is extremely popular in today’s culture because it reminds us that we’re in charge of our attitudes, how we pursue goals and the choices we make. And while it may be motivating, it’s not quite true. You see, the CEO must know the direction the company is headed in at all times, be a secure leader, and overall just be the captain of the ship. Do you know who that really sounds like? God. Stick with me here.

What if we’re more like the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of our lives? We still have the leadership role and decision-making responsibilities, and oversee the operations of our daily lives. While COOs are still in charge to a degree, ultimately, they answer to the CEO. This is GOOD NEWS! Here’s why.

We don’t have to feel the weight of the world on our shoulders. We serve a boss God who goes before us, and who desires an intimate relationship with us so He can lead, guide, and direct our lives, His company. But, in spite of His constant displays of loyalty and leadership, we often forget He’s in charge.

I remember listening to a presentation from a popular author a few months ago and thinking “man, I wonder what it would be like to work for someone that inspiring, and to be a part of a team who’s managed and invested in by such a great leader.” Here’s the thing: I’m already reporting to the greatest leader but more often than not I act more like an arrogant, problem child employee who tries to absorb control. In an effort to be the God of my own life, I undermine His direction, am always thinking about what He can do for me (versus me for Him), and have trouble trusting His vision.

Does this sound like you, too?

It’s not just us, friend. Reflecting from the week 10 promise of Loyalty in the STAY Bible study, we see God’s loyal character displayed to His people through Joshua in chapter 1 verse 9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” However, these people were not deserving of God’s loyalty or good leadership.

In STAY we read, “After bringing them out of Egypt, parting the Red Sea, sending bread from heaven and supplying their daily needs, these people still wanted more from God. More signs, more food, more idols to worship. More. And God kept coming back and delivering them. Each time they screwed up and then turned back to God with their tail tucked between their legs, He welcomed them back… Guess what friends? Those people are the same ones who disobeyed God, the descendants of the group who left Egypt. And they’re our people. We are them, and they are us. It’s the same story of constant loyalty and redemption, just different points in time. And yet, God still is with us wherever we go. His promise has never faltered after all
this time.”

Despite our disobedience and constant struggle to seek control from Him, the Lord lovingly and eternally pursues us and asks for us to trust Him. While we get to take responsibility for our actions, attitude, and how we use our abilities, we can still find our hope and direction in our faithful God who cares for us.

God is the ultimate example of a fearless leader. Let Him be the CEO of your life today!

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