The Lord is Our Light in the Darkness

The Lord is Our Light in the Darkness
The Lord is my light and my salvation - Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid? - Psalm 27:1


Is fear consuming you today the way it is me? In case you need a reminder like I did this morning, God is stronger than any storm you’re going through. When fear consumes us and life overwhelms us, we have to make the conscious decision to meditate on God’s character instead of our circumstances.

Let’s break down the verse above together:

The Lord is our Light: He’s our guidance in the dark and is the radiance that brings warmth and comfort.

The Lord is our Salvation: He’s our source of deliverance and has already rescued us from death through His Son, Jesus Christ.

The Lord is our Stronghold: He is the concrete pillar that we put our hope in. He’s immovable and is the foundational cornerstone of our faith.


God is our guide, our Savior, and the rock of our lives. He’s holding us even when we feel like we're in free fall, just waiting for us to recognize His presence and relax in His arms.


Friend, let’s believe this together today: Our confidence in who God is gives us the right to be COURAGEOUS in spite of our fears!


Challenge: write out a list of your current fears. Got them? Now underneath in big bold letters, write the truth. The Lord is our light, salvation, and stronghold! There’s nothing to fear!

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