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Revival of a Rose: OBEY

October 11, 2023

Revival of a Rose: OBEY

Taking that first step in your healing journey can feel like the most difficult thing you’ve ever had to do. When we’ve begun to slowly start peeling our protective guard-petals away, it can be really challenging to continue to be obedient by leaving them that way. It’s tempting to want to close back up after vulnerability starts to show because comfort is what we know.

To obey is to stay the course. Staying in God’s word, standing on His truth, keeping on the narrow path, peeling away things that aren’t of Him, and relying on His strength to come through…especially when the weakest moments or triggers threaten to overcome you. 

When God calls us to obedience, the first step is to commit. Make the commitment to desiring His will over yours, and trust that no matter the outcome it will be used for good. Take the next bold step into obedience. Peel away the things in your life that were never meant to stay, ask Him for, and trust Him to give, perseverance to help you keep them that way. 

"But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues in it - not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it - they will be blessed in what they do." James 1:25 (NIV)

You will be blessed by your obedience. You never know the purpose your story holds. Don’t miss out on the beauty that could unfold because you were scared to obey, open-up, and let go. It’s easy to be the “hurt person”. But…if you bring your hurt to the Healer, the Healer will not only heal you, but one day use you to help heal hurt people too. @rhiannamarie24

#RevivalOfARose #Obey


Lord Jesus thank you for being our ultimate healer. Obedience can be so painfully difficult at times, especially when we’re clinging on to dear life for a breakthrough. BUT GOD, you move mountains and give us perseverance to push through because you are faithful. Give my sisters encouragement, a heart for obedience to become more like you, and faith that their healing will come through. In Jesus name, Amen.



Rhianna Marie Nix, Wheatful Wednesday Devotional Author

Rhianna Marie Nix is the author of “Faithfully Fervent: Standing Firm as a Woman of God in a World Ready to Run”. Rhianna is a native Texan and a Pediatric Operating Room Nurse. She is married to her wonderful husband Ryan Nix and has two dogs. Rhianna is passionately following her calling into ministry by pursuing her mission to help bring hope and healing through her testimony proclaiming that God resurrects pain into purpose. She will fiercely fight to empower people to know Christ and believe in His incomparable power to transform and save.

Connect with her on Instagram @rhiannamarie24 and learn more about her book, Faithfully Fervent, on Amazon here.

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