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Resistant to change

May 10, 2023

Resistant to change

Ecclesiastes 3:4 “A time to weep, and a time to laugh; and a time to dance;”

Our lives are full of varying seasons. I’m so guilty of getting comfortable in a certain season and then feeling resistant when it starts to change. Doesn’t that sound familiar? Even though the only consistency in this crazy journey of life is change ~ what a wild thought. 

We struggle when relationships alter, jobs take a different course, financial or health is compromised. We are human and we enjoy stability (I’ll speak for myself on this one, ha). 

Harmony and battle, fear and peace, contentment and longing, joy and sorrow, life and death. God appoints every moment. Nothing stays the same except HIM. Oh, what a comfort! 

Jesus leads us through them all through his divine sovereignty. Though we might question, fear, or doubt His plan, He is FAITHFUL. He can handle our honest reactions, in fact He WANTS us to bring them to Him first. We may not be able to get all our answers now, but one day we will. His purpose for us is good because HE is good. 

There’s a beautiful album written by Bethany Barnard called “All My Questions” with the theme that we can approach God with all our wonderings, all our thoughts, all our frustrations. We don’t have to hide anything in His presence! Her words give me such freedom and I hope they will do the same for you! Highly recommend giving it a listen. 

I so love that this scripture points out God’s sense of humor with the mention of laughter and His intentionality to celebrate with the mention of dancing. I can’t help but smile! Let’s remind each other to soak in these sweet moments to the fullest extent. 

Hannah Gramling, Wheatful Wednesday Devotional Author

Hannah is a residential realtor in DFW. She is passionate about encouraging women to chase hard after Jesus regardless of marital status. She believes linking arms in authentic community is a beautiful picture of His kindness & faithfulness. 

Hannah loves accessorizing, making memories with her tribe, traveling the world, and the enneagram. Find her on the trails with her Boston Terrier pup, on an outdoor patio with friends, content creating, or dreaming about a new adventure!

Follow along on Instagram @hangram_realtor or Facebook

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