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Reflecting on How Far You've Come

January 30, 2019

Reflecting on How Far You've Come

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” - James 1:17

I looked at my list of goals and felt deflated. While I’m usually the most intentional with my time the first month of the year, I didn’t make as much progress as I thought I would. My emotions got the best of me the better half of the month, and I lost precious time feeling stuck or fixating on the past instead of focusing on my future. Ever feel like that?

There’s a Pinterest quote that says “Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go; just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.” God has good things planned for you and me, but sometimes we need a little reminder that our present situation is not where we’ll be forever. For me to get out of my funk of feeling stagnant in growth, that took sifting through the Google Photos app on my photo and seeing how far I’ve come and how much I’ve grown in the past five years (not just the past month.)

I can look back on that photos and see how lost that girl was. I can see how she’s longing for something to grasp onto in her relationships, health, and career. But more than anything I can see how much she needs Jesus. While I’m still learning and growing in all those areas, I can see how far God has brought me through life. Praise the Lord for the gift of progress!

And here’s the big takeaway: I wouldn’t have experienced the payoffs of growth if I hadn’t waded through the confusion of it.

Even when we don’t realize it, we’re growing. I couldn’t see it at the time those photos were taken, but I was being molded into the woman I am today. And the same goes for the version of us today versus who the Lord is shaping us to be for the future. Don’t be discouraged if your growth feels stagnant. If we’re in the presence of God and walking with Him, we can be certain He’s making good use of the path. And no matter what we have to keep making the decision to be open to growth.

Whether you’re in a dark spot, needing a reminder that things will get brighter or you just need a reminder of how blessed you are and how far you’ve come, stop and reflect today, friend. Break out the photo albums, read through the journals and look back on how far you’ve come and how much God has brought you through. He’s always been with us, in the dark times and in the bright moments, and He’s never changed - even when we have.

Challenge: No matter how you choose to reflect, thank God for the lessons you’ve learned and for the growth you’ve experienced. Every good gift of blessing and growth is from Him!

With so much love,


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