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He is in the unknown

May 20, 2020

Wheat and Honey Co- Bible Verse, Bible Quote

Today's devotional is going to be the shortest and the sweetest (I hope) to date. Are you ready? 

The truth is this: we are ALL stepping into new callings right now. Our mission field has changed, our routines are thrown off and the pit of lies feels so much closer than it was pre-COVID-19. Are you reading this thinking YOU GOT THAT RIGHT? I am. 

We were thrown into this new way of living and a dire need to understand how to do it all. You know what God so clearly spoke over my mind and heart as I prayed to ask for HIS TRUTH this morning? I heard so clearly from the Lord thanks to a man that so clearly leads me to a quiet space with my God, Bob Goff. 
"We can't be more like Jesus if we're trying to be like each other." - Bob Goff

John 17:11
Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one.

I believe our God wants to call us to something special this morning (if we let it be special). He wants to surround us and acknowledge the unknown we were thrown into. I believe He wants to remind us the ONLY way to navigate this new calling, mission, and routine is by asking our God, who do you call me to uniquely be so I can be more like you? We must pay close attention that we are not measuring our "striving" to navigate this season based on our neighbor, our friend, or a family member. He has you on a unique mission that only you can accomplish and it looks different from the person next to you. How is He prompting you to lead this day in His name? How is He asking you to spend time with him, take care of yourself, and love those around you?

Lord, Almighty God, Thank you for gifting us with the space to breathe in your truth this morning. God, we praise you for loving each of us uniquely and for creating individual purposes for all of our lives. Father, I pray that today would be a day that each woman reading this devotional would feel your arms wrapping around her shoulders. I pray for each woman reading this and that she would hear your whisper today telling her to keep running her race, to keep seeking your face, and to keep being gracious with herself. God, would you do what only you can do in spurring us on today? God, we CRAVE to know you more today than we did yesterday and we desire to be more like you today in the way we love ourselves and others. We love you, Lord. Amen.

Love y'all,

Brittany Goff, the founder of Wheat and Honey Co. and Wheatful Woman Event, lives in Grapevine, TX with her husband, Michael, and golden retriever, Tucker.

Brittany recently stepped into business ownership in the belief that an authentic community can change the lives of women when they share their stories for the purpose of connecting with and empowering others in faith. Brittany enjoys equipping women in their faith through W&HC's Bibles and study tools, Wheatful Woman Event and coaching female business owners.

"A thriving life starts with intentional habits today"
Photography credit: Gro Group Co.

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