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Favorite Things: Amazon Prime Sale

July 13, 2022

Favorite Things: Amazon Prime Sale

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Also in Wheatful Woman Blog

A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Sarah
A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Sarah

September 04, 2024

Jesus, we thank you that your words are true. Even when we doubt, you are still who you say that you are. You show up consistently, your character remains the same, and you keep your promises. Even though you have nothing to prove to us, your trustworthiness is undeniable. Help us to cling to you when we don’t understand. We love you so much. Amen.

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A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Rachel
A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Rachel

August 28, 2024

Jesus, oh how we need you every hour. In our waiting, in our wanting, in every season. Nothing is hidden from you, and for that we are so thankful. You know the days of our lives and the number of hairs on our heads because you love us so intimately. We love you. Amen.

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A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Hannah
A Woman to Admire & Inspire: Hannah

August 21, 2024

“Then Hannah prayed and said:“My heart rejoices in the Lord;    in the Lord my horn is lifted high.My mouth boasts over my enemies,    for I delight in your deliverance. “There is no one holy like the Lord;    there is no one besides you;    there is no Rock like our God.

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