End of the year thoughts - Britt Goff, Founder

End of the year thoughts - Britt Goff, Founder
Psalm 81:16 ESV "But he would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”

Psalm 81:16 is W&HC's founding verse and I find this truth means something different with each year of this business. In 2022, we celebrated 6 years of God moving through this community. In our 6th year, this verse meant a greater cultivation of friendship through the women that have found this space on the internet and a deep and unique intimacy He is creating with each of us.

More women joined us at our retreats in Seaside, FL this last Fall and built connections and learned how to rest like never before. We saw women find hope and peace. We heard laughter fill the hallways of our beach home and women enjoy exploring 30A. It's such a joy to watch God bring women together in person because of a space on the internet. We were built for connection and I see God doing that here.

What "he would feed you with the finest of the wheat" meant in 2022:
This verse also stood out to me in 2022 as a reminder that God has only the very best for each of us that love Him and this "very best" is unique to each of us. His "very best" is illustrated in "the finest of the wheat" in this scripture. He is such an intimate God that He can use the same verse to speak to each of us and love us exactly where we are in life uniquely.

What "with honey from the rock I would satisfy you" meant in 2022:
He is able to satisfy us in contentment in Him no matter what may be going on in our lives. Having a relationship with Him brings the fullest satisfaction we could desire.

Personally, this was a year Michael and I experienced a miscarriage of our first child and a healthy pregnancy with our second. We are expecting our baby boy, Hudson Henry Goff, this February. We also experienced God's faithfulness through this business in extraordinary ways. For the first time in the 6 years of business, I have found true contentment in trusting the Lord to provide for our family and the families of our artist team. Contentment found in Christ is life-giving and I'm so grateful to be experiencing this, as an entrepreneur, just in time to enter the journey of motherhood.

As we wrap up this year, my heart posture is of abundant gratitude. He is worthy of our praise, our thanks and our hope. As we enter 2023, I pray our community would rest in gratitude and hope of how good our God is and that He is working all things together for our good and His glory. The phrase, "He is too good to give the right miracle at the wrong time" keeps ringing in my head as I type this letter. I'm standing in the gap for the women in our community that may be waiting on their "miracle" to come. Praying you would feel contentment, hope and peace as you believe God has miracles (yes, plural) for each of us and He is a good Father.

Thank you for being here on the journey with us. We look forward to 2023 and knowing our God more in the months to come!

All my love,
Britt Goff, W&HC Founder
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