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Desires of the enemy: Deception

May 12, 2021

Desires of the enemy: Deception

Desires of the enemy: Deception

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” - Romans 12:2

What lies are the enemy telling you?

That you’re not pretty enough? That you’re not good or smart enough? That your past disqualifies you from a future with Him?

Or maybe he uses comparison to keep you small, telling you that you’re behind in life or that you should be more successful by now.

Whatever that lie or tactic of deception is in your life, you’re not alone. We’ve all be duped by Satan at some point or another.

In Genesis chapter 3, he used pride and confusion to deceive Eve into thinking that it was okay to eat the forbidden fruit. He used doubt to push the then-infertile Sarah into taking God’s covenant with Abraham into her own hands in Genesis chapter 16. And the enemy even used legalistic expectations, twisting God’s own Word, to keep the Pharisees from realizing Jesus as the Messiah in the Gospel.

If we’re not watchful of our thoughts, desires, and perception of the world around us, we can be caught in the snare at any time.

The good news is, as daughters of the King, we have a Guide that Jesus left us, the Holy Spirit, to help us discern truth from lies.

We can renew our mind, bringing our thoughts captive to Christ, and prayerfully sift all things through the filter of God’s love.

Stay mindful of the lies the enemy is telling you right now, sister. Test every emotion, message, and situation through the lens of the Lord so you can discern His will for your life.

@jantzenmiller #wheatfulwednesday
Jantzen Jolly-Miller is a marketing consultant, speaker, and freelance writer who helps women pursue authentic lives and create positive change in their everyday routines to reach their unique potential. In addition to her marketing strategy work ( with female-owned small businesses, she is the founder of Emerge Church Solutions, a church consulting firm helping small and medium-sized churches uncover new opportunities to connect with more people.

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