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Preorder Life Less Hurried: 40 days of stillness for the soul desiring to live from the strength of His peace

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New devotional on pre-order now shipping the week of February 24th, arriving just in time for Lent beginning on Wednesday, March 5th. Use code "lifelesshurried" at checkout to enjoy free shipping while this devotional is on pre-order.

Hurry is not God’s nature, therefore it shouldn’t be ours either. Join us for 40 days of stillness focusing on the sovereignty of God.


Why we created this tool:

Devotional founding verse: Isaiah 30:15: "In quietness and trust shall be your strength".

The power in this devotional lies in your personal encounters to be had with God. The reflection space creates moments of stillness between you and our Father to discern how He wants to breathe encouragement and love over your unique and intimate relationship with Him as we walk through these themes of His sovereignty together.

In Mark 4:39 we read where Jesus "rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, 'Peace! Be still!' And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm." Jesus has the power of stillness that is available to us. The stillness of our soul, that is. When we take moments to be still with Jesus, we experience God and His peace. This translates to understanding a calmness in our spirit that surpasses understanding. Learning to be in tune with the Holy Spirit, living lives that are capable of slowing down and getting to a lowly place with the Lord is not nothing but in fact it is life-restoring.


What to expect:

40 daily themes encouraging reflection, repentance and preparation for Easter and the celebration of the greatest triumph of life over death because of Jesus and what that means for how we live. While this devotional can be enjoyed at any time of the year, you may find it particularly impactful during the Lenten season. Each theme will lead us to rest in God’s sovereignty, relate to Him in a slow, unhurried way and let go of daily assumptions from the world of what heart posture we live from to calibrate our heavenly perspective of stillness and hope. You will be given reflection space to journal following each daily devotional. Our prayer is that this reflection space is where the Lord is going to meet you intimately and personally in His great peace that comes from being still in His presence.

Some ways I want to invite you to experience God in these 40 days:
Lent is a 40-day period of reflection, repentance, and preparation for Easter that many Christians observe:

  • Commemoration: Lent commemorates the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert, fasting, praying, and being tempted by Satan.
  • Reflection: Lent is a time to reflect on aspects of life that could be improved and to ask for forgiveness.
  • Preparation: Lent is a time to prepare to celebrate Jesus' resurrection at Easter.
  • Self-discipline: Lent is a time to test self-discipline


I pray my heart posture as I sit with the Lord and invite Him into each word would meet you intimately where you are on your journey of desiring more of Him as we reflect and sit in His sovereignty together over the next 40-days, embracing how worthy He is of our adoration, repentance and desire to be more like Him.


Join us on this 40-day journey sitting in themes of God’s sovereignty. Our prayer is that the provided daily reflection space is where the Lord is going to meet you intimately and personally in His great peace that comes from being still in His presence.


Britt Goff

Founder of Wheat & Honey Co.

Author & Designer of Life Less Hurried

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