Comforted: A Motherhood Devotional about Breastfeeding
About the structure of this devotional:
This devotional was created to walk women through 20 characteristics of God and the hope we have, because of them. This devotional will start with space to journal and reflect, lead into 20 daily devotionals that are scripture based and include a prayer. The final section of this devotional will feature additional reflection space to sit with the Lord and ponder how He has comforted us on our journey through this devotional with Him.
More about the devotional from the author, Ashleigh Surratt:
Admittedly, I spent years thinking women were being a little too tender when celebrating their breastfeeding journeys. To me, it was just as simple as baby + breast = breastfeeding. It wasn’t until my goopy, fresh firstborn was placed on my chest that I realized there was way more to it. It’s an emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally demanding journey that’s far more complex than the simple baby + breast equation.
As we mull over how it’s best for us to feed our baby, it can be easy for our God-given desire to nurture to get entangled with anxiety, shame, and guilt. John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I come so that they may have life, and have it to the full.” I’ve seen the enemy try to steal the joy that comes from nursing, squish and kill my motherly intuition, and destroy my sense of self-worth when I struggle with production.
Thankfully, we can take Jesus at his promise to bring fullness of life—and that includes our breastfeeding journey. He’s brought back my joy and set me in a place of clarity. He’s reminded me of my unshakable stance before him: precious, loved, and made in his likeness—in the likeness of the ultimate provider and sustainer of life. And! He’ll do it for you too. As I embark on the 27th month of my breastfeeding journey, I hope to point out to you God’s nearness and the way He’s cheering for you.
- Ashleigh
A note from Wheat & Honey Co. Founder, Britt Goff:
My personal motherhood story is one of passion, hope, longing, loss, and miracles. When I was pregnant with our miracle baby, Hudson, God put it on my heart to release a series of devotionals that complement one another on the theme of motherhood. As one mom, I immediately knew this project needed multiple women, with multiple experiences and perspectives. The Lord has a tender heart for mothers. He created women with the innate ability to nurture and be a display of strength unlike anything else on this earth. It did not take long for peace that surpasses all understanding or overthinking to flood my heart in assurance that this was a project God had for Wheat & Honey Co.
A quick behind the scenes: once it was time to begin, I reached out to a handful of trusted and Spirit-prompted friends, requesting they share an author application with anyone they felt would be a fit for an author position. From there, women applied and God began filling in the next steps and our authors were identified.
These next several pages were written to bring light to our enemy who convinces us that lies are truth. These pages were also written to, more importantly, remind you that you have access to a heavenly perspective, understanding who our God is and who we are, as mothers, in Him. God has a role for mothers that is pivotal for the Kingdom. Our Motherhood Devotional series is going to eliminate the enemy’s access to the hearts of mothers. God is here and He has something to say that will change everything.
John 10:10 (NIV)
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Father, thank you for the opportunity to sit with women in their varying seasons of motherhood. I pray that your voice will be heard through these pages. Help us to eliminate anything distracting our heart, leading us to believe lies that are not from You. I pray the women who sit with you would receive a unique message from you that changes everything. Thank you for being our God who saves. Thank you for saving us, calling us, and comforting us. Thank you for changing everything. Amen.
Britt Goff
Wheat & Honey Co., Founder
Cover illustration and layout design by Madison Wright
Proof and copy editing by Jennifer Banman
Ashleigh Surratt, Author
Britt Goff, W&HC owner and devotional series lead
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