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The Pursuit of Presence: Navigating through seasons of life by pursuing presence in our promises

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There is great power that lies in maintaining a spirit of expectancy in the promises God has given us. It’s one of the greatest proclamations of faith declaring God is undeniably going to move while you’re patiently waiting for it to come through.

Expectancy isn’t what you already see in front of you. It declares, "I expect[to see].”

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19 (NIV)

I think Jesus longs for us to look at Him this way. To have this peace, seek the literal Son, and rest by basking in His presence. He has you. You can faithfully expect that He is going to move the mountains that are standing in your way. He is going to restore your broken heart. He is going to provide in ways that could never make sense to human understanding. He is your God and He is coming with victory, redemption, and freedom for you.

Even darkness is promised a sunrise. Our darkness too will pass, and the outpouring of light on the other side of our testimony will be used to illuminate the gospel in the lives around you.


Book size: 8.5" x 11" 

Author: Rhianna Marie Nix

Cover & layout design: Britt Goff

Proof and copy editor: Jennifer Banman



“I love this one; reminding us of the promises we have from God. Things that are ours to take, that He just wants to give us. We don't have to fight for them; the only thing we have to fight is ourselves. ” - Jennifer Banman

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