What is a trial weighing you down today? I think often we feel as though we are the only ones going through something we wished never happened. The enemy preys on that mindset of isolation, but I am here to tell you, YOU are not the only one. God longs for us to turn whatever trial we have faced into a powerful testimony. He wants to restore and ease our aches. Believe it or not, those instances shaped you into the person you are today; however, it is up to us to allow God to cultivate our brokenness into beauty. He sees you. In Him, you have a purpose and are worthy.
We are so hard on ourselves. So critical of our shortcomings in all aspects. While being critical is human for us to do, we must remember that by believing in Christ Jesus, we become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Many of us are familiar with Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. Jesus asked, “Will you give me a drink?” and the woman immediately responded with a response of unworthiness. She said to Him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” Scripture goes on to say, “For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.” (John 4:7-9). Jesus answered her by saying: “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water” (John 4:10). When I read Jesus’ response, I realized what many of us are doing wrong. Often we lose sight of the importance of seeking His face. When we seek Him and truly melt in his sovereignty and righteousness, we remember that no matter what life throws at us, we are worthy. We are HIS children!
Things that have previously taken place in our lives, whether from childhood or throughout adulthood, God wants to not only free us from that bondage but also provide clarity on the things He would have us to take away. I firmly believe there is power in sharing the Gospel through our lives. I challenge you in prayer:
Closing prayer Heavenly Father, we humble ourselves in your presence for we know our lives are not our own. Help us to remember that You sent your only Son, to die on the cross for our sins; and because of this, we are saved by grace. We are forgiven and worthy in You alone, and we value You as a safe haven. Help us to walk out our purpose through the good and the bad. We love you and we trust you. In Jesus Holy Name, amen.
Reflection Today, we want to create space for reflection. Grab a piece of paper and list things you need to release to the Lord. What is weighing you down that, through surrender to the Lord, our God can extend grace and begin to use in your life?
Next, draw the sun. Write words of truth about yourself for each ray representing your illuminating purpose in Christ. Think of these words as a representation of how Christ thinks of you.
Meet the Author:

Mariah Howard is a second-year graduate student at Abilene Christian University-Dallas. She is studying to become a speech-language pathologist and hopes to impact lives through the power of communication. She believes in the power of having a voice that is deeply rooted in the purpose Christ has placed within each of us. Mariah loves basking in the sweetness of the Savior with other chosen women of God. Mariah loves connecting and sharing her journey of life in Christ with others!