Who are your people? Are you lonely? Are you searching for meaningful connection? Does God really see you?

Who are your people? Are you lonely? Are you searching for meaningful connection? Does God really see you?

Something about the holiday season always seems to bring out the heavy-hitting questions. Who are your people? Are you lonely? Are you searching for meaningful connection? Does God really see you? I can relate to these questions on all fronts. 

We want to be seen. We want to be known. We want to be understood. I believe that all of these natural desires come straight from our God and how He so uniquely created us. In His overwhelming kindness, He brings opportunities such as the Wheat & Honey annual retreat to provide opportunities to meet us in these longings! 

It’s honestly hard to put into words the way that instantaneous connections form at these retreats. It’s beautiful, it’s organic, and it’s just the sweetest. You can arrive with a friend, with a sibling, with your mom, with your mentor, with your grandmother, or ALONE and it will not matter. By the end of the retreat, it will truly be challenging to distinguish who came with who (in the best way). From the moment that you walk in the doors, you will be seen and treasured by our host team. Even deeper, you will be seen by God and He will meet you here. 

All you have to do is ~ Say YES and Show Up!


- Hannah Gramling, Retreat host team


2024 Seaside, FL Women's Christian Retreat tickets will be available on Friday, January 19th at 7AM CT. Trip details can be found here. Our pre-sale tickets will be our lowest price for one day only! Make sure you're on our email list to be reminded when tickets go live. We'd love to have you join us in 2024!


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