What to Do in the Wait

What to Do in the Wait
“I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” - Psalm 27:13-14

Waiting. It might be the hardest thing we have to do in our lives. In today’s times, we barely have to wait for anything. Fast food, fast service, fast technology, fast forwarded TV. The world is full of fast. However, as God tells us, His ways are not usually the ways of the world. God’s plans for us are more often than not, slow and intentional. Marinating over time to create the flavorful, colorful life that He has designed for us. However, it can be hard to look above our circumstances and be hopeful in times of waiting. Whether it be waiting for a husband, job, child, transformation, healing or door opening, what do we do in the wait as Christian daughters? 

Worship - remember the fire drill, “Stop, Drop and Roll? I believe that in times of confusion or anxiety, we should Stop, Drop and Worship. Worshipping the Lord in song, scripture and written word can move our hearts and heads from hanging down in frustration or impatience to looking upward to the heavens in hope. It can calm us, fire us up and level us out. 

Appreciate - there’s a reason why you’ve heard the saying “gratitude changes everything.” When your mind is fixated on the circumstance or situation you’re waiting on God for, take a look at your life and appreciate the gifts you’ve been blessed with. Struggling with finding something to be grateful for? Get back to the basics, lady! Voting rights, freedom, health, opportunities to work and advance in your career, the list can go on and on. Still needing perspective? Humbly ask a friend to help you think of ideas. 

Identify - what is causing you anxiety in this season of waiting? Write out the worst case scenarios and what-ifs that are stealing your peace, and give it to God! Pray over the list and ask God to calm your heart and dissolve your fears, opening your eyes to appreciate your present while being hopeful for your future, knowing that His love is the ultimate prize. 

Trust - “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” - Proverbs 3:5. Can you imagine if God left us on an island to control everything or figure it out for ourselves? I can just imagine the chaos and destruction to follow. Know that in this season of waiting and uncertainty, God can grow your dependence on Him and teach you greater trust, so that you realize His plans are good and his timing is perfect. 

Whatever season of waiting you’re in now, rest in the assurance that the Lord knows your heart and understands your hurt. His plans and ways and higher (and better) than ours, and He will use these times to deepen our faith and strengthen our heart for the long run. 

Weekly Challenge:  Write down and walk through the steps of WAIT, and revisit them during your quiet time each day this week.  
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