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What the Bible says about age

September 15, 2021

What the Bible says about age


For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work among you will complete it by the day of Christ Jesus. - Philippians 1:6 NASB

I looked at a popular Christian influencer’s Instagram and felt the stings of comparison. She’s five years younger than me, and already she’s accomplished almost everything I have on my God-sized dream list. Immediately, I was flooded with shame and that dreaded lie from the enemy: “You’re behind.”

But if I’m being honest, I’ve also struggled with the opposite. When I was younger, all I wanted to do was grow up. I longed to be seen as mature and to be taken seriously.

So, when do we ever hit that sweet spot of contentment and security when it comes to age? Spoiler alert: We don’t.

There’s never a perfect Goldilocks season where you feel “just right.” You’re too young, and then one day you realize that you’re too old. There’s never an in-between.

That is, unless you choose to believe that God can use you at ANY age for the plans He has for you.

Use this as your reminder today that God doesn’t see you as the world sees you. He is not fazed by age-restrictions or traditional time frames. The Lord is never late and never early, and He wants us to trust His timing.

When you release all the fears about being too young or too old to live a life of purpose and intention, you’re free to experience the fullness of the life God has for you.

*This Wheatful Wednesday includes excerpts from our new devotional ENOUGH: Replace insecurity with confidence and embrace your God-given identity. Grab your copy here.

@jantzenmiller  #wheatfulwednesday
Jantzen Jolly-Miller is a growth coach, speaker, and writer who challenges Christian women to chase their potential and live with purpose. She lives in a suburb of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with her husband Shawn, and their dog Murray.

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