Trade your "what if" for the eternal promise of what IS.

Wheat and Honey Co- Bible Verse, Bible Quote
“What if”. There’s a lot of them; terrifying ones at that.
  • What if...I fail.
  • What if...I get rejected.
  • What if...My marriage falls apart. 
  • What if...I lose my child. 
  • What if...I’m alone.
  • What if...I’m broke.
  • What if...I become ill.
  • What if...I get that diagnosis.
  • What if...I’m misunderstood.
  • What if...
  • What if...
  • What if...

It’s tempting to not succumb to them. The reason they become so enticing is that we tend to grasp for any glimpse of control in circumstances that completely leave us vulnerable to the unknown. If we can cling to our “what if'', maybe we can prepare our hearts for the worst, so we won’t have to endure past or potentially new pain. 

Living in “what if” becomes bondage. It’s laced in fear. It drives roots deep into doubt and feeds the lies of inadequacy. Eventually, we start to recognize that our calls to “go” mutate into “won’t” and “no”.
  • You won’t go for that job.
  • You won’t make that bold move.
  • You won’t empower someone’s life.
  • You won’t go pray for that person.
  • You won’t reconcile that relationship.
  • You won’t fight for your marriage.
  • You won’t pursue that relationship.
  • You won’t use your talents and gifts for good.
  • You won’t stay on the mission specifically ordained for your life.

I’m sure your own list could relate or go on...because...what if...?

The real question we have to ask ourselves is what do we gain by wallowing away in our “what if’s”? I’ll tell you, friend, there is absolutely nothing to gain when we play this tormenting mind game. 

First, I can tell you what we lose. We lose peace because our fear has consumed our thoughts. Hope that presses us onward fades into the background because we fixate only on what we can physically see. Most of all - we lose the gift of time. Time we cannot take back or gain. Instead of dwelling on thoughts or potential outcomes that may never even come to pass, we could have spent precious moments in joy and hopeful expectation. 

“Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”
Matthew 6:27

Here’s where I want to meet you. 

I want to meet you right now in this place where we lift our eyes to Jesus. Where we unclench our tight fists grasping for control. Where we believe God has something far greater for us that disseminates the fear of the binding unknown. The place where we take the stand to lay it all down before the throne. Don’t waste another thought or breath on one more “what if”. 

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”
Psalm 34:4

Because what if the ”what if’s” ended up being met by the “what is”?
  • What is - everlasting life.
  • What is - freedom.
  • What is - radical love.
  • What is - redemption.
  • What is - hope.
  • What is - never failing.
  • What is - never leave you nor forsake you.

“And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.”
2 Peter 1:4

Your “what if’s” have been nailed to the cross by THE what IS and is yet to come — Jesus.

Surrender your ”what if” in the transaction for the eternal promise of what IS. 

“‘I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed— I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘that I am God.’”
Isaiah 43:11-12
Rhianna Marie Mitchell is the author of “Faithfully Fervent: Standing Firm as a Woman of God in a World Ready to Run”. Rhianna is a pediatric registered nurse, and is passionately following her calling into ministry by radically pursuing her mission to mirror God’s vision. Her mission is to help bring hope and healing through her testimony. She will fiercely fight to empower people to know Christ, and believe in His incomparable power to transform and save. Find more about Rhianna at
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