Our Lives Are Not Our Own

Our Lives Are Not Our Own

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price." - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Does anyone else process important information better when it’s done with a story or analogy? I believe there’s a reason why Nathan convicted David using a story, and why Jesus preached using parables. Sometimes our brains are more receptive and open to conviction when the truth is something we have to find ourselves rather than be blatantly told. God did the same for me recently when He convicted me about how I’m using each breath He gives me. Every moment of my life is a loaned asset from Him, a company car of sorts. As Christians, we get to reap the benefits of a free car: going where we please, listening to whatever music we’d like, taking passengers with us to new destinations. However, with the benefits of the free car comes the responsibility of being content with the gift, and modeling the mission of the “company” whose logo we display.

Jesus paid the ultimate price so that we could freely use our company car, but He expects us to use it to glorify Him. And, here’s the kicker, if we aren’t content with the car God gives us, how could we ever expect Him to upgrade our model? If I was a CEO and I had an employee constantly complaining about their ‘clunker’, would I feel enticed to gift them with something better they might not appreciate and take good care of? If we’re not using our lives to joyfully love God and others in whatever season we’re currently in, would we even recognize when the greener grass arrives?

How much is God currently entrusting us with? Our homes, work, marital status, finances, relationships, churches, and encounters with others are some areas that come to mind. Let’s give God the glory for the current ‘make and model’ of our company car and contently use it to live out our lives for Him.

Weekly Challenge: 1) Think about the fact that we are a company car on loan from God and how we should use it to fill His world with joy. 2) Ask yourself if you’re taking good care of your current model, or complaining about it while waiting for something better.

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