Psalm 115:1 Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness
One of the most chilling lyrics in the Broadway hit musical Hamilton is when Aaron Burr regretfully sings about Alexander Hamilton, “I should have known the world was wide enough for both Hamilton and me.”
Their conflict which ended in a lethal duel began with comparison. Comparison can be tricky. Comparison can be healthy if it pushes us to set realistic goals to better ourselves, but unhealthy comparison can hinder our growth. Unhealthy comparison consumes us with disappointment, entitlement, and jealousy. I’ve personally struggled with unhealthy comparison in terms of body image, resources, friend groups, talents, opportunities, you name it! Unhealthy comparison is also tricky because due to its self-centered nature, it gives us whiplash between feeling bad (insecure) and feeling high (pride).
As Christians, the biggest problem with unhealthy comparison is that it misplaces our passion for building the Kingdom of God onto building our own kingdoms of self. Comparison strips us of seeing what God has given us and called us to.
What’s the cure for comparison? How can we trust God with our unhealthy tendency to compare? The answer might seem oversimplified, but it is to share the gospel with ourselves over and over again. This is a MAJOR part of my testimony. When I started consuming my mind with the gospel on a daily basis, it shifted how I viewed myself, my calling, my purpose AND others, their callings, and their purposes. When the focus is on ME, of course the world will not seem wide enough. But when the focus is on Jesus and the gospel, our hearts are consumed with our shared calling to share Him to the world. There is no room for jealousy and comparison when we shift our focus to building His Kingdom, not ours.
God, help me find my confidence in your purpose for me. May all I do be for your glory. Help me to redirect any mindset of comparison to you.