It feels like an especially unique challenge to find space for peace and quiet

It feels like an especially unique challenge to find space for peace and quiet

Solitude is a worthy priority. Mark’s Gospel says “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” 

In our busy lives full of distractions, it feels like an especially unique challenge to find space for peace and quiet. We are constantly being bombarded with messaging through people, media channels, etc. 

At the Wheat & Honey Seaside retreat, there are ample opportunities to create these precious moments of solitude. 

Some of my favorite ways are highlighted below:

~Take a walk on the beautiful beach.  Picture crashing waves, wind in your hair, feet in the sand. 

~Bike ride through the scenic neighborhoods. Get lost in more ways than one. 

~Indulge in a luxurious massage or other spa treatment.

~Find a cozy spot around the house or on one of the porches to read, journal, or take a little nap. 

Get crazy and do all of the above! You have our FULL support.


- Hannah Gramling, Retreat host team


2024 Seaside, FL Women's Christian Retreat tickets will be available on Friday, January 19th at 7AM CT. Trip details can be found here. Our pre-sale tickets will be our lowest price for one day only! Make sure you're on our email list to be reminded when tickets go live. We'd love to have you join us in 2024!


Photography by @momentswithmphoto

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