Do You Recognize God Today?
“Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” - John 1:29
Have you seen The Bible miniseries on Netflix? My husband and I just finished binge watching it, and as a visual learner it’s given me a lot to think about and consider. One of my main takeaways is how often I judge the faith (or lack thereof) of people in the Bible. A phrase I’ve found us repeating in our living room about the Pharisees is “they don’t even realize Jesus is the Messiah and he’s right in front of them!”
It’s easy to judge these people and think we would’ve done differently, but would we really? While we aren’t walking the earth at the same time as the Son of God in flesh, how often are we surrounded by the presence of God and we don’t even recognize it?
How many times does God’s spirit fill us with wisdom, peace, or guidance and we turn around and chalk it up to our own doing? When does God answer our prayers and we respond by shrugging it off, completely forgetting our original pleads for His intercession or discounting His goodness? How often do we miss or ignore the signs of love He sends for us in a sunrise, cool summer breeze or traffic free morning on the way to work.
Weekly Challenge: This Holy Week and every week, let’s aim to recognize God in our every moment. Let’s Give Him the glory for our successes, and our unwavering trust for moments that may seem like low points to our human mind, but that He’s using for our larger plan and purpose.