Arm Yourself with the Truth

Arm Yourself with the Truth
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist…” - Ephesians 6:13-14

I once heard that the closer you are to God, the more Satan will attack you. Well, I must be growing in my faith because I’ve been in a wrestling match for weeks now, struggling with feelings of inferiority, purposelessness and imposter syndrome. More often than not, I find myself pep talking my way out of a spiral.

We’ve talked before about how Satan pumps lies into our mind, and I want to reiterate that these occurrences aren’t few and far between: we’re constantly under attack. To defend ourselves, we have to make sure we arm ourselves with God’s truth every single day, if not every hour, because Satan is on standby, waiting for the opportunity to pounce on our vulnerable hearts. 

Sister, arm yourself with truth today! Write this down on a post-it, put it on your mirror and seal it in your heart. 

[We are daughters of the God of the Universe, children of the King. You and I are worthy, we are loved, and we are already enough because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross]

If you’re single
If you’re in a hard relationship
If you’re working a job or in a career that doesn’t feel right
If you’re questioning your calling or talents
If you’re experiencing hardships with your children
If you have a small Instagram following
If your dream seems too far away


No matter the if, please meditate on this friend; You are already enough. 


We don’t have to keep trying to measure up to who the world (or our inner Regina George) tells us to be. God calls us His beloved children and says the blood of Jesus already met his standards for us. May we believe this truth and remind each other of it in times of doubt and darkness! 
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