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Are we contributing to the noise or a part of the solution?

March 25, 2020

Wheat and Honey Co- Bible Verse, Bible Quote

The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him—  my father’s God, and I will exalt him!
Exodus 15:2 NLT

Do you feel consumed with all the noise as we do right now? We are being fed so much information that simple truths can become overwhelming. Today's devotional is going to call out the truths we are called to in loving one another through grief without fear.

We plan our weekly devotional themes per an annual calendar. The preset theme for this week was Women of the Bible: Leah, overcoming rejection and insecurity. However, as I type these words on Tuesday, March 24th, I feel convicted to adjust the conversation as the Holy Spirit leads. I want this space today to be used to fill our community with clear and empowering truth so we can then take that strength into the world to contribute to the solution we so desperately need this week. Let's dig in.

I just jumped off a video call with one of my dearest friends, Jantzen, a few hours ago. We both spoke of our craving to step into grief and hardship with friends and our temptation to believe in the lie that avoidance will eliminate the chance of misstepping, saying the wrong thing, and being misunderstood. Putting it simply, we find it easy to stay away when we see friends walking through the unknown because of our selfish fear of saying or doing the wrong thing in our effort to love. Does this resonate?

Let's make this abundantly clear, we cannot afford avoidance. We are called to step into the unknown together. This is our opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to others and to also personally grow to know Him more through our seeking of His strength and wisdom and the abundant love only He provides.

Let's take a quick inventory:
What is a situation with a friend or loved one you have been faced with this week that was hard? Maybe an instance when you were not sure how to show up, reach out or respond in love?

I know one thing to be true. When we ask our God to equip us with the right words and the full presence of His goodness, He shows up through us more fully than we can on our own. Rather than being caught off guard by hard situations, let's prepare our hearts in advance for opportunities to step into grief and fear with our community from a position of strength and abundant love.

Apart from asking God for His love and His wisdom to be shown through us, we do not have the ability to show up in the fullness we desire. We must humble ourselves to recognize asking for the love our God gives is the only way to love with the fullest love. Especially in times of unknown and trails. Let's choose to step towards loving people right where they are and right where we are knowing our God gives us all the strength and love we could possibly need to show up for them. Let's take a moment to realize we all crave to be seen and we all crave to be loved. Let's step into the hardships others are facing knowing we are equipped to love fully because our God promises access to Him in all things, always.

Let's be a community empowered by these truths today so we can step out in great hope and faith to love others in the fullness of our God today.

I love you guys deeply and am praying over the way our God is meeting us and nurturing our souls this week.



Meet the Author

Brittany Goff, founder of Wheat and Honey Co. and Wheatful Woman Event

Brittany enjoys equipping women in their faith through Bibles and study tools, community and sharing her experiences as a business owner and woman of faith. She enjoys speaking and coaching to make entrepreneurship simple and scalable.

She believes the power of authentic community can change the lives of women when they show up and share their stories for the purpose of connecting with and empowering women just like them.

Photography credit: Gro Group Co.

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