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What our friends are saying

  • I really needed a day of rest and this provided me with not just physical rest, but rest for my soul. I loved getting to be with people of all ages and walks of life and still feel welcome.

    W&HC Friend, Regarding Wheatful Woman Retreat

  • I ordered a custom Bible for a wedding gift. Wheat and Honey made it easy to get exactly what I wanted. Through email, we were able to communicate. I received a mock up of the design for approval. The Bible is the perfect gift for the young couple!


  • What a gift!!! The writing is honest and relatable and will help guide you to be still, look into God's Word, and ask yourself questions about who God is and what His promises mean for me. It is sweet and simple, yet profound and poignant-- a great tool for anyone who is curious about God's love or wants to be reminded of what He is promising us. You can almost feel how the text was carefully put together and prayed over. Christ-centered. Biblically sound. A gentle love note. Cue happy tears!

    Lauren, Regarding STAY Bible Study

  • I LOVEEEE my bible!!! I get so many compliments everywhere I take it. Thank you for having a company like this.


  • Ordered the ESV Journaling Bible for my sister 💕 what a beautiful, personal gift. The margins on the side of each page are PERFECT for her bible journaling. I think it’s about time I order one for myself! 

    Easy to work with & beautiful work. 
    thanks so much!! 😌


  • It's hard to put into words how impactful Wheatful Woman weekend is! Truly! I left feeling abundantly refreshed, encouraged and inspired! I left CRAVING more (and in some ways felt a little sad that this type of community is not ever present in my life.) I felt inspired to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, encouraged to seek out and invest in friendships who will push me to walk deeper in my faith and left with a renewed confidence in who the Lord made me to be!

    W&HC Friend, Regarding Wheatful Woman Retreat

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam quam enim, fringilla ut purus ut, pretium ullamcorper sem. In sit amet vestibulum tellus. Aenean gravida dolor eget mi bibendum semper.

    John Doe

Check out the latest on the Wheatful Woman blog!

Ostrich Leather Bibles
Ostrich Leather Bibles

May 14, 2024

Ostrich leather Bibles. Ostrich Leather is coveted for its unique look and texture. Not only is Ostrich skin exotic and luxurious but it is also known for being tough, pliable, durable and yet supple. Ostrich leather contains natural oils, which means it resists cracking and stiffness.

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What is a scripture journal?
What is a scripture journal?

May 09, 2024

Hand painted ESV Scripture Journals pair the text of individual books of the Bible with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of biblical text. This allows readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture. This edition is great for personal Bible reading and reflection, small-group study, or taking notes through a sermon series.

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Things above
Things above

May 08, 2024

Paul writes that the new self is being “renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.” The more we orient our mind to growing in knowledge about God through reading and studying His Word, the more our old self sheds away. So let’s consider together: How does knowing Jesus change the way we approach a current family conflict? How does knowing Jesus change the way we approach unfair circumstances at our work? Injustice we see in the news cycle? The profiles we follow and engage with on I...

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